Northern cardinal - Northern cardinal bird

Backyard Bird Watching

  Have you ever wondered about the different species of birds that visit your backyard? I did today when I came home from a nice, sunny walk with my Millie (Yorkie), looked out the glass sliding doors, and happened to see an abundance of different species of birds hopping around in the trees and bushes, […]

red-bellied woodpecker - facts about red bellied woodpeckers

Do All Birds Fly South For The Winter?

  Bird migration is a regular seasonal journey in both spring and fall that many species of birds undertake.  The reason that birds migrate  can be due to temperature changes, seasonal fluctuations in food supplies, breeding needs, and territorial considerations.  But do all birds migrate or as many people say, “fly south for the winter?”  […]

northern flicker - red bellied woodpecker facts

How to Attract 7 Different Types of Woodpeckers to Your Backyard

More Than 180 Types of Woodpeckers in the World You know it is a woodpecker because of its unique behavior of pecking vertically on trees and holes.  Woodpeckers also have a distinct undulating flight that consists of a few rapid wing beats followed by a quick glide as the wings are tucked against the body […]


Attracting Backyard Birds Is Easy

How do you Attract Backyard Birds? You might just be surprised at the birds that you can attract to your backyard.  The type of bird food that you choose makes all the difference in the world.    I purchase mine either at a local feed store or online, but some hardware stores sell it as well as […]